Are you using BUSY as an excuse?

Heidi Lesiw
2 min readJun 27, 2022

For a long time I used busy as a way to avoid my true feelings & emotions.

To ignore my gut instincts.

I used it as a way to ignore problems and issues and big red flags whether in work, relationships or just not wanting to face reality.

Using busy as a way to hide away, push down feelings, seeking happiness and fulfilment from a million different external things.

It’s so easy to get caught up in our own worlds. Getting distracted by highlight reels, after work drinks and filling up our calendars, saying yes to every single thing.

But I have learnt that it is a FEAR response.

Fear from facing our true feelings, fear from what you’d acknowledge if you just SLOWED DOWN.

For a very long time I couldn’t slow down.

I put my work and corporate career on a pedestal & used other activities to help me block out the emotions of what I was really feeling.

But its not sustainable.

So I’m reminding you that it’s okay to slow down.

It’s really important to acknowledge your feelings. Journal them out. Say them out loud. Express.

Listen to your mind, body and intuition.

Reclaim your power and don’t let the faux glamour of #hustleculture & looking busy stop you!



Heidi Lesiw

Certified Empowerment Coach. I help women push past their comfort zone in the business world. I write about empowerment & personal development IG: heidihi_coach